
I recently purchased this Sephora bronzer in Riviera and really like the hue it leaves on my fairly pale with pink and yellow undertones skin. Instead of a muddy hue that brown bronzers give or the orangey shade that some other bronzers leave on my face this one is a glow.
When I was younger, I used to use a Mac bronzer. Until it broke. That was a sad day. I haven't gotten into the self tanners and bronzers since high school because when I lived in California, I tried to tan the most dangerous way by walking around and swimming without any spf protection whatsoever. I slather on SPF every single day now since I do not want to do anymore damage or cause more premature aging than I've already done. Nor is skin cancer and melanoma a laughing matter.
Another good thing about this bronzer is that it has a spf 15. Its not to say that I would condone just using make up with an spf content. I would definitely recommend slathering on sunscreen prior to putting any make up. That way, any little sunscreen within your make up is just an added protection.